A Mother's Love.

A blog about the love I have in my heart for my two daughters and the desire I have to add to my family again. Lilly Anna here with me on Earth born October 27, 2006 and Daisy Arabella whom I lost to Trisomy 13 or 18 when she was stillborn at 36 weeks and 3 days on January 26, 2009.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Pictures that go with the post below

I appologize for the sideways pictures. I am a little computer challenged sometimes. LOL Daisy's newest flowers and little figurine I bought for her.
Lilly at the Atlanta Zoo May 2010.The pink baby shoe on the ledge. See the glow!? It was in the shade.

Daisy's name I wrote in the sand at the river on the sandbar.

Then, I saw the upside rainbow. :)
I wish I had had the camera with me when we saw the butterfly, but I didn't because of the rain showers that kept popping up.


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