A Mother's Love.

A blog about the love I have in my heart for my two daughters and the desire I have to add to my family again. Lilly Anna here with me on Earth born October 27, 2006 and Daisy Arabella whom I lost to Trisomy 13 or 18 when she was stillborn at 36 weeks and 3 days on January 26, 2009.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Growing daisies.

I haven't written lately. I have been soooooo busy! Which has been great for me emotionally and physically. I have lost 23 lbs. since I began my weight loss journey almost 7 weeks ago. I am very happy about that. That combined with the Metformin has done the trick and I have had positive OPK's (ovulation predictor tests) 2 months in a row. I have a really good feeling about this month. The test line was actually darker than the control line for the first time! I only tested once and that was enough! If this isn't our month I am okay with that. We are just living life and loving it right now. I miss the baby I thought I should have, but I no longer wear the pain and heart break on my sleeve like I once did. I am moving on. Everyone deals with thinkgs differently and in their own time. I will never forget her or the way she changed me though.

Our 7th wedding anniversary is coming up on the 27th. The day my cycle would be due. Maybe we will get the best anniversary surprise/present ever! More to come on this subject for sure...

My new Salon & Boutique has been open for 2 weeks now & I have done better than I ever expected to do. I have had my moments of doubt during the process. It has all gone by in a whirlwind, because it was spur of the moment and unplanned. It was/is a God thing. I pray my business continues to grow and prosper.

The possibility of being pregnant while just beginning this business journey seems a little daunting. But, we are trusting God to give us a baby when the time is right. He hasn't let us down yet. ;) This is our 8th month of "trying" so we don't want to begin preventing it at this point. We will be over the moon when it happens.

I have made a few awesome new friends within the last few months/weeks and I am finally "growing into my own". I am more comfortable in my own skin and relaxed than I have ever been. If you don't love yourself, then how can anyone else love you? I am loving life. I am looking forward to the Spring weather that is coming in. I am ready to be able to get outside more and enjoy the sunshine. Maybe grow some daisies!

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Congrats on the opening of your salon. May it prosper. And, I'll be praying for you on your journey to conceiving again.


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